ILEXIA is an office of independent study which has its own M2M lab.
Our laboratory M2M/IOT main objectives :
- network infrastructure to provide end-to-end validation of prototypes M2M
- to test the interoperability of equipment and services :
- M2M devices,
- M2M gateways (MODBUS / MODBUS TCP/6LoWPAN/ZigBee ...)
- M2M applications & servers ...
Some examples of uses of the laboratory :
- Interoperabilities CoAP (between M2M devices and M2M gateways or servers) according to ETSI M2M standardization
- Interoperabilities radio protocols between M2M devices and M2M gateways: Wireless M-BUS, ZigBee, Zwave, 6LoWPAN ...)
- Prototyping end-to-end M2M architectures
- Testing scalability of M2M applications ...